AI Hong Kong – Collecting Memories
AI Brno – Collecting Memories
2022, KUMST Brno, Czech Republic + PRÉCÉDÉE, Hong Kong
PROTOTYP AI ART (Festival of Arts, Sciences and Technology - Prototype 2022 Festival)

The project involved collecting 121 photos of Brno and Hong Kong from internet searches, which were used as the dataset for Machine Learning (ML) training. The Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) architecture in open-source ML was utilized for automatic image synthesis. The outcomes were generated by integrating the ML system to produce unsupervised and random images, with human intervention by adjusting training parameters and photos.

The generated imagery contains unstable and hallucinatory depictions of sceneries from both cities, implanting the videos with dream-like and memory-like qualities.

The number 121 is palindromic, featuring digits with reflectional symmetry, and the videos were generated using Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, which created a connection between Brno and Hong Kong by interpreting visual clues. The AI-generated video loop playback reflects the characteristics of the palindromic number, exploring novel ways of viewing the two cities through AI and machine learning technology.